A Brief History of HIV: Then and Now

Shylah Moore-Pardo, MD
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Category: History of Infectious Diseases, HIV/AIDS

Dr. Moore Pardo’s comprehensive timeline of HIV and AIDS spans the last 40 years of the history of HIV infection. She covers the important decade of the 1980’s, when the epidemic was first recognized, the virus identified, and public awareness of the syndrome was heightened by the deaths of celebrities such as Rock Hudson. She then discusses drug development and the age of HAART in the 1990s. The decade of the 2000s focused upon access to care and curbing the epidemic on an international scale with programs like PEPFAR and private philanthropy initiatives. She closes by looking at where we are in the HIV epidemic over the last decade as the medical community begins to discuss a possible end to new cases of HIV in the US by 2030.

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