Got Breast Milk?

Johonna Asquith, MD
Friday, May 10, 2019
Category: Bacterial Infections, Infections in Pregnancy, Viral Infections

In this comprehensive review of breast feeding and breast milk by a physician and new mom, Dr. Asquith opens by discussing why breast feeding benefits both babies and their mothers. She relates the common reasons why some moms elect not to breast feed or stop breast feeding early. Dr. Asquith then shares data on the epidemiology of breast feeding by across the country. Next, she mentions the typical schedule for a breast feeding mom and essential care steps to ensure proper hygiene for breast feeding equipment. Dr. Asquith then dives deeper into some of the immunological and anti-infective benefits of nursing. She then shares information on the safety of nursing when a mom is sick with infectious syndromes like the Flu, travelers diarrhea, HSV and Zika virus. She closes by touching on milk banking and human milk pasteurization.

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