Dermatology and ID 2021

John Greene, MD
Thursday, January 6, 2022
Category: Ambulatory Care Infections, Arthopod infections, Bacterial Infections, Immunocompromised Host, Infectious in Oncology, MRSA, Mycobacterial Infections, Parasitic infections, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Skin and Soft Tissue Infections, Tropical Infections, Viral Infections

Dr. John Greene, MD, Chief of Infectious Diseases at Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, presents this fast-paced photo review of various infectious disease related syndromes. Topics covered include drug-related photosensitivity conditions, fungal skin infections, viral exanthems, zoonotic dermatoses, bite-related skin infections, sexually-transmitted infections, Non-tuberculous mycobacterial skin infections, and contact dermatitis.

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