Hepatitis A, B, and C Clinical Overview

Todd Wills, MD
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Category: GI Infections, Hepatitis, Hepatitis-Viral, Viral Infections

Dr Todd Wills, Professor of Medicine at the University of South Florida College of Medicine, presents an overview of the management of viral hepatitis syndromes. Dr. Wills first discusses Hepatitis A, including its case definition, epidemiology, high risk groups, and vaccine target population. Next, Hepatitis B is introduced. Dr. Wills explains how to interpret serology test results, and specifies the high risk populations that require treatment. Next the speaker discusses the various antiviral agents available to treat patients who have Hepatitis B infection. Lastly, Hepatitis C is discussed, including the disease’s prevalence, treatment options, the importance of genotyping, and post treatment monitoring.

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