Infections Associated with Biologic Therapies

Olga Klinkova, MD
Olga Klinkova, MD
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Category: Autoimmune/Rheumatoligic Infections, Bacterial Infections, Immunocompromised Host, Mycobacterial Infections, Viral Infections

Dr. Klinkova reviews the general types of biologic agents available for patients today and their classification system. She focuses specifically on Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha (TNF-alpha) inhibitors. Dr. Klinkova extensively reviews their noninfectious and infectious adverse effects. Among the infectious complications, mycobacterial disease is among the most significant, and she reviews risk factors, screening, and prevention. Lastly, Dr. Klinkova reviews bacterial and viral complications of TNF agents, and closes by mentioning anti-integrin and anti-IL 12/23 agents.

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