Infectious Endocarditis: Beyond the Guidelines

Kaley Tash, MD
Friday, February 6, 2015
Category: Bacterial Infections, Cardiac Infections, Guidelines

Dr. Kaley Tash speaks about the diagnostic considerations, complications, and prevention of infectious endocarditis and its complications. Echocardiogram is the mainstay of diagnosis, as diagnosis from skin and conjunctival manifestations are rare in the modern age. She touches on etiological pathogens, laboratory findings, She speaks about complications: valve perforations, abscesses, cardiac effusion, infarctions, renal abscesses and renal failure, and septic emboli to the lungs. Complications can also occur in the CNS and peripheral vascular system. IV drug users and elderly patients have the highest risk of complications and are the most difficult to treat. She touches on different options for treating these high-risk groups, including sealed PICC lines and surgical treatment.

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