Medical and Diagnostic Mycology of Importance to the Clinician and the Surgical Pathologist

Ramon Sandin, MD, MS, FCAP
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
Category: Mould Infections, Pathology of Infectious Diseases

Dr. Ramon Sandin reviews the identification, diagnosis, and management of infectious fungi. He covers yeasts and molds that are clinically relevant to the practicing clinician, including systemic dimorphic species of Histoplasma, Blastomyces, Coccidioides, Paracoccidiodes, Sporothrix, Penicillum, and molds involved in chromoblastomycosis. He also discusses subcutaneous mycoses and opportunistic infections. He reviews laboratory diagnosis, histopathologic stains, and cultures. Affiliated with Moffitt Cancer Center, he also discusses mycoses in the setting of immunocompromise or malignancy.

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