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Adverse Drug Reactions

By Kelly Kynaston, DO

August 12th, 2016

Dr. Kelly Kynaston discusses how clinicians can incorporate basic knowledge about adverse drug reactions (ADRs) into their practice in a systematic way. She also provides several clinical case studies demonstrating the practical application of sensible management principles for handling ADRs in susceptible patients.

Anal Cancer in HIV Positive MSMs

By Robert Castro, MD

May 6th, 2016

Dr. Castro reviews the epidemiology of anal squamous cell carcinoma, a significant malignancy in HIV positive men who have sex with men (MSMs). He also reviews risk factors, classification systems, the disease’s association with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), screening strategies, and management after diagnosis

Infections Associated with Freshwater and Saltwater Exposure

By Shuchi Pandya, MD

April 25th, 2016

The specific infections associated with aquatic activity are reviewed and explored. Examples include Vibrio vulnificus, Mycobacterium marinum, Plesiomonas, Aeromonas, Cnidarial Seabather’s eruption, Lobomycosis, and others. Risk factors, clinical manifestations, and treatment are also reviewed.

Top Ten Lesser Known Contemporary Outbreaks

By Richard L. Oehler, MD

February 23rd, 2016

In a question and answer format, Dr. Oehler covers 10 recent outbreaks that are lesser known, either because of their regional nature, small number of cases, or simply because they lack a well-known champion. Examples of these include the Heartland virus, Australian Bat Lyssavirus, and Enterovirus 068.

Zika and Emerging Arboviruses in the Americas

By Sandra Gompf, MD, FACP

February 18th, 2016

Dr. Sandra Gompf highlights the recent emergence of several mosquito-borne arboviruses in the Caribbean and South American continent, including Dengue virus, Chikungunya, and Zika virus. In particular, she examines Zika and the factors responsible for its development on our continent. Dr. Gompf also discusses Zika epidemiology, risk factors, clinical manifestations, treatment, and prevention.


By Manuel Castro, MD

February 1st, 2016

In this informative presentation, Dr. Manuel Castro discusses the epidemiology, clinical features, and management of Cholera infections. Dr. Castro also discusses the factors behind recent worldwide cholera outbreaks, such as the cholera outbreak occurring after the 2010 Haitian earthquake.