Hepatitis C Boot Camp 1: Pathogenesis, Epidemiology, and Treatment Guidelines

Jamie Morano, MD
Friday, January 25, 2019
Category: GI Infections, Hepatitis, Hepatitis-Viral, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Viral Infections
Dr. Jamie Morano reviews updated information regarding the current epidemiology, prevalence, pre-treatment assessment, and therapeutic options for the management of this common viral pathogen.  She begins by discussing current worldwide epidemiology.  She breaks down U.S. trends both regionally and state by state. She elaborates on the significance of specific genotypes in hepatitis treatment and in disease complications. Testing guidelines are also reviewed. Next, Dr. Morano reviews current antiviral therapies and breaks them down by agent and co-formulation. Lastly, she discusses pretreatment options for patients who fail initial therapy.

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