Monday, May 7, 2018
Category: Environmental ID, Outbreaks, Travel Medicine
In the midst of the 2019-2020 Coronavirus pandemic, the concept of “zoonotic” infections–and how previously unknown diseases can transfer from the animal kingdom to humans–is facing more attention than ever. In this spirit, we present this encore lecture originally presented by Dr. Mindy Sampson in 2018. Dr. Sampson looks at the underlying features of a zoonotic disease. She then discusses how increasing globalization has interwoven with zoonoses to produce widespread outbreaks of Yellow fever, SARS, Nipah Virus, and Ebola virus disease. Among the most notable of the Zoonotic diseases of the last several decades is HIV, and she presents a fascinating review of how this retrovirus originated from primates and then spread around the world in only a relatively short period of time. She also recounts the 1918 Spanish Influenza pandemic and the factors that led it to spread around the world in just a few months.
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