Antibiotics: Just In Case

Debbie Goff, PharmD
Friday, February 9, 2018
Category: Antimicrobial Stewardship, Commentary

Have you ever taken an antibiotic “just-in-case” there might be an infection and thought antibiotics are “risk-free” drugs? Prescribing antibiotics “just-in-case” carries the risk of creating superbugs that can be resistant to every antibiotic. The overuse of antibiotics in humans and animals today means untreatable infections tomorrow. Dr. Debbie Goff pharmacist, global antibiotic steward and advocate describes how consumers and patients need to become antibiotic stewards. It is no longer just up to medical professionals. Our children’s children depend on getting everyone engaged in antibiotic stewardship. Debbie Goff Pharm.D. is an internationally renowned infectious diseases clinical pharmacist who works hand in hand with physicians and pharmacists in hospitals across six continents advocating for the responsible use of antibiotics through antibiotic stewardship. From a TedRx Columbus talk originally presented in December, 2016. Reposted with permission of the author. An guest presentation available on our web site exclusively.

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