Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Category: Ambulatory Care Infections, Bacterial Infections, GU Infections, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Dr. John Toney, Professor of Medicine at the University of South Florida Division of Infectious Diseases, presents an update on Genitourinary tract infections. He begins the presentation by discussing the many manifestations of UTIs, from asymptomatic bacteriuria to cystitis to pyelonephritis. He then differentiates acute uncomplicated and acute complicated cystitis. Next, he discusses acute pyelonephritis, its management and treatment options. More information on the assessment of asymptomatic bacteriuria is also presented. Next, Dr. Toney transitions to discussing updates in the the management and treatment of STI’s including Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, and Syphilis with an emphasis on the recent guidelines updates.
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