Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Update for 2021

John Toney, MD, FIDSA
Friday, August 20, 2021
Category: Ambulatory Care Infections, Bacterial Infections, GU Infections, HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Dr John Toney, Professor of Medicine and the Morsani College of Medicine and Chief of Epidemiology at the James A Haley Veterans Hospital shares new recommendations in the management of STDs and STIs. He begins by discussing recent epidemiologic trends in STDs in the US, including the increasing trend in new reported cases over the last 5 years. he then focuses on causes of urethritis/cervicitis, including Gonorrhea and Chlamydia. The updated treatment recommendations for GC and Chlamydia are also discussed. Next, Dr. Toney discusses Syphilis. He explains the rationale behind Treponemal and Non-treponemal tests and how they are used to diagnose the stage of syphilis that is present. Treatment options for early and late syphilis are also explored. Lastly, Dr. Toney discusses Herpes genitalis and Trichomoniasis.

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