Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Category: HIV/AIDS, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Dr. Jamie Morano, Director of the Infectious Diseases Telehealth and HIV Clinical Program at the James A Haley Veterans Hospital in Tampa, FL, reviews pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV as well as the newer long acting injectable antiretroviral options. Dr. Morano begins by discussing the epidemiology of HIV infection in the Southeast U.S., one of the highest prevalence areas for HIV. She then reviews the recent research trials associated with cabotegravir-rilpiverine (Cabeneuva) and important information regarding its use. Next, she discusses specific administration details at her hospital as well as injection techniques. Lastly, Dr. Morano covers PrEP indications and prescribing tips and how telehealth care can enhance care in PrEP, nPEP, HIV longitudinal care, STD treatment, sexual health, and general infectious diseases care.
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