Friday, October 2, 2020
Category: Coronavirus, COVID-19, Environmental ID, Epidemiology, International Medicine, Viral Infections
Drs. John T Sinnott, Kami Kim, and Seetha Lakshmi, distinguished Infectious Diseases faculty at the University of South Florida, discuss updates to the 2019 Coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Sinnott begins by tracing the beginnings of the pandemic, from its sylvatic origins in bats likely through an intermediary vector (a pangolin) to its first human hosts. Dr. Sinnott follows the pandemic to America, and shares some of the early assessments about the threat of the disease which were unheeded. Next, Dr. Sinnott discusses our current understanding of the pathophysiology of the SARS-2 Coronavirus, including its route of infection in the human host. Dr. Kim next discusses the specifics of Coronavirus testing, including the proper use and interpretation of molecular and antibody-based tests. Dr. Lakshmi then discusses current Coronavirus-targeted therapies, including convalescent plasma, remdesivir, dexamethasone, and monoclonal antibody-based treatments. Dr. Sinnott closes by discussing post-COVID syndromes and how the pandemic will likely end.
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