Monday, January 27, 2020
Category: Bacterial Infections, Immunizations, Viral Infections
Dr. Toney presents an overview of adult vaccinations, focusing on the vaccines that are most important and relevant for the adult patient. He begins by discussing pneumococcal vaccines, whose guidelines can often be confusing because of the two different types of vaccines and their distinct administration schedules. He next talks about the influenza vaccine, differentiating the different types of vaccines, the efficacy of the flu shot, and potential future flu vaccine products. Next, he discusses the TDAP and the importance of receiving this vaccine given waning adult immunity for Pertussis. Dr. Toney also touches upon Shingles immunization and the significant advance of the recombinent shingles vaccine that is now available. Lastly, he discusses the MMR, Meningococcus, and Hepatitis vaccines.
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