Cognitive Bias: Changing the Way We Look at the World

Richard L. Oehler, MD
Thursday, February 17, 2022
Category: Miscellaneous

Dr. Oehler, Professor of Medicine at the Division of Infectious Diseases, Morsani College of Medicine, presents a lecture on Cognitive Bias in Medicine. Dr. Oehler begins by comparing and contrasting the different kinds of bias. Next, the author draws a contrast between intuitive and analytical thinking and how cognitive biases result when intuitive thinking is misapplied. Dr. Oehler next explains how intuitive thinking is a necessary, but imperfect tool in medicine. He relates the advantages and disadvantages of using instinctive thinking in medicine. Next a series of 10 clinical vignettes are presented, each demonstrating an important type of cognitive bias in medicine in an interactive format. The speaker concludes his talk with a “lightning round” of other types of cognitive bias that are also important to be aware of.

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